
Christopher Ketcham on Writers on Writing

Christopher Ketcham, author of the new nonfiction book, This Land: How Cowboys, Corruption, and Corruption are ruining the American West, is with me for the entire hour talking about the book that Outside magazines says, “…brings the fighting spirit and conservation vision of great writers like Edward Abbey, Rachel Carson, and Bernard DeVoto into the 21st century.” 

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(KUCI-FM broadcast date: Nov. 27, 2019)

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Kate Braverman, from the archives of Writers on Writing

I knew Kate a few ways: through my show where she was a guest three times. The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, where she sat on my panel. And a writing project for which she generously wrote an essay on spec (not yet unpublished). She wrote one of my favorite short stories: “Tall Tales from the Mekong Delta.” It’s in the fantastic collection, Squandering the Blue, as well as widely anthologized and googleable.

Here are the shows:


Martin J. Smith, co-author of Oops : 20 Life Lessons from the Fiascoes That Shaped America, and Kate Braverman, author of Frantic Transmissions to and from Los Angeles.

Download audio. The show begins at 24:30.
(Broadcast date: Mar. 16 2006)

Kate Braverman, author of The Incantation of Frida K.
(This one you have to click on her name to access audio.)
(Broadcast date: May 22, 2003)

Kate Braverman, author of Lithium for Medea.
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(Broadcast date: Sep 18, 2002)

Poet Grant Hier on Writers on Writing, KUCI-FM at UC-Irvine

Poet Grant Hier, professor at Laguna College of Art and Design, and author of Similitude, The Difference Between, and co-author with John Brantingham of California Continuum, joins me for what turned out to be a masters’ class in writing poetry. You don’t have to be a poet or have any interest in writing poetry, to get something out of this show. And no matter what you write, reading poetry will only make you a better writer.

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(Broadcast date: Oct. 9, 2019)