
Alice LaPlante and Zachary Lazar on Writers on Writing

Marrie Stone chats with Alice LaPlante, author of Circle of Wives, about the power of the unreliable narrator, knowing when to abandon projects that don’t work, where story inspirations come from, and much more.

In the second half, novelist Zachary Lazar talks about his latest novel, I Pity the Poor Immigrant, writing about foreign places and times, and the power of juxtaposing unlikely people and things to create compelling stories, and more.

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(Broadcast date: May 21, 2014)

Akhil Sharma talks about Family Life on Writers on Writing

Akhil Sharma, author of Family Life, talks with Barbara DeMarco-Barrett about the 12-plus years and 7,000 pages he took to write the novel. He also talks about why, when the book is highly autobiographical, he chose to write the story as a novel and not a memoir.

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(Broadcast date: April 9, 2014)

Note: This podcast starts a few minutes into the interview. Akhil is with us for the entire hour with no musical break at half.